Montage of Papa

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Posted Comments

Lew and Melinda -

I am glad we have this page as a way to reach out and say hello. We all know how the story goes, and your opening statement reminds of of a similar chapter in our lives. One filled with kindness, tenderness, sadness and love. The time we have is precious and should always be spent appreciating that fact. Lew, you have been and will continue to be in our thoughts and our prayers. Melinda, thank you for being there to provide Lew with your care. We are all here for both of you.

With love,

Elizabeth, Greg, Patrick, Kathleen and Michael

Marta Plumlee said...

Hey Lew and Melinda:

Thank you so much for setting this page up. We fully understand about wanting to stay in touch with people and this is an excellent way to do it. We are both sending you all our love and strength and have been including you in our prayers. We hope that you are able to open those windows and feel the sunshine and breeze on your faces. They give us so much energy and even the squinting will cause us to smile. Enjoy each second, as they are precious. We are so glad that you have gotten to know each other as love transcends all time and space. Know that we are all with you.

Love Marta and Tim


  1. Lew,

    You continue in my thoughts and prayers.

    Sonja AKA HazelG

  2. Sweet you, Melinda and cherished friend, Lew,

    Several messagesfrom your WAker family have been sent to you, Lew, via e-mail. Others will try to post messages here.

    Please know you're in our thoughts and prayers and that you're desperately missed on WA, and that you're loved and cherished.


  3. Another friend from Wide Awakes checking in to say hello to Lew (we know him as CalKnight).

    Lew, we've gotten to know and love you. We miss you on the forum. I enjoyed seeing the video of Back Home Again ... I'd seen it before.

    Get that laptop going and check backin when you can!

    Mary (altura)

  4. Lew:

    Bruce & I think of you daily -- especially when we listen to the Irish music you so thoughtfully shared. We love your rendition of "It's Good to be back home." Before we discovered Irish music we used to play that CD over and over on car trips -- expecially when we were nearing our distination. In fact, one of my gtandchildren would only go to sleep to that record when he was a baby because I would play it and rock him when he was a newborn. I like your version and pleased that we have TWO genres of music that we all enjoy. I hope you will be singing again.

    Love & hugs --

    Bette & Bruce


Please leave your comments for papa, I will repost them on hte main page. Thank you!