Montage of Papa

Monday, May 25, 2009

Open Invitation

As you all know, Dad's [Lew's] cancer is back. It would be fair to say "with a vengeance" His condition is deteriorating daily, rather, hourly. I signed up a page on blog spot for Papa and thought it would be nice if there was one page he could go to and read all your well wishes, etc. He has a hard time doing any thing lately and visiting is something he really has no strength for. He still cant shake his hospitable nature, no matter how big of a strain it puts on him. I think he'd rather not have company than fail his manners when he does. Unfortunately, he barely has the strength to walk 5 feet from the bed and talking for more than a minute or two, leaves him winded. He appreciates all the love and support he's been getting, immensely. I thought that maybe this blog thing would be a simpler way for him to hear from you all and if he's up to it he can post a note himself. You should have all received an invitation to author on the page so you can have access. Let me know If there are any problems. Also please forward the link and/or this email to other family members I have missed. I know that I don't have Christina's, Kathleen's, Marta's or any of the grandkids email addresses.
We appreciate all your prayers, as well.


  1. Lew and Melinda -

    I am glad we have this page as a way to reach out and say hello. We all know how the story goes, and your opening statement reminds of of a similar chapter in our lives. One filled with kindness, tenderness, sadness and love. The time we have is precious and should always be spent appreciating that fact. Lew, you have been and will continue to be in our thoughts and our prayers. Melinda, thank you for being there to provide Lew with your care. We are all here for both of you.

    With love,

    Elizabeth, Greg, Patrick, Kathleen and Michael

  2. Hey Lew and Melinda:

    Thank you so much for setting this page up. We fully understand about wanting to stay in touch with people and this is an excellent way to do it. We are both sending you all our love and strength and have been including you in our prayers. We hope that you are able to open those windows and feel the sunshine and breeze on your faces. They give us so much energy and even the squinting will cause us to smile. Enjoy each second, as they are precious. We are so glad that you have gotten to know each other as love transcends all time and space. Know that we are all with you.

    Love Marta and Tim

  3. Hi Lew,

    I'm so grateful your daughter put this blog page up, and to Dolly for letting us know.

    You taught me a lot about living, with your Grace, humor, kindness, strength, knowledge and love of music, etc.

    It's amazing that people that have never met, can have their lives touched and blessed to such a degree.

    You have touched mine Lew. I'm proud and honored to have known you through your sharing online.

    My prayers and best wishes are with you and your family.

    You made a difference and an impact.
    Thank you.


  4. Lew,


    One night a man had a dream. He
    dreamed he was walking along the
    beach with the LORD. Across the sky
    flashed scenes from his life. For each
    scene, he noticed two sets of footprints
    in the sand; one belonging to him, and
    the other one to the LORD.

    When the last scene of his life flashed
    before him, he looked back at the
    footprints in the sand. He noticed that
    many times along the path of his life
    there was only one set of footprints. He
    also noticed that it happened at the very
    lowest and saddest times in his life.

    This really bothered ham and he
    questioned the LORD about it. "LORD,
    you said that once I decided to follow
    you, you'd walk with me all the way. But
    I have noticed that during the most
    troublesome times in my life, there is
    only one set of footprints. I don't
    understand why when I needed you
    most you would leave me."

    The LORD replied, My precious,
    precious child, I love you and I would
    never leave you. During your times of
    trial and suffering, when you see only
    set of footprints, IT WAS THEN THAT I

    Sending you sunshine,

  5. I really like the picture that you have up with you and your dad.


  6. Lew,

    Thinking of you every day.

    YouTube - The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards - Amazing Grace

    Sending prayers your way,


Please leave your comments for papa, I will repost them on hte main page. Thank you!